
Still better than the one where Dr. Crusher meets a horny Scottish ghost.

Me too man! I can’t believe some people don’t know about the cleaning method with using the 3 shells. It’s like people just want to waste money and paper. Go green people!

That’s an enormous amount of wasted paper. I went green years ago, I do what I can to help the environment.

Anyone who can go into that bathroom and not come out dressed as a mummy has way more willpower than I do.

I’ll see your fuckin’ Swearinger and raise you a fuckin’ Swearengen

+1 cocksucker

Why would fictional bigotry be entirely logical? Real bigotry is exactly as illogical.

Hear me out...

Yeah, hating giant autoplay videos all over the gawker network is totally entitled.

I would consider auto play videos, and popups that make you wait 5 seconds before a page load are good examples of obnoxious.

My unscientific method shows Gizmodo takes about 5 seconds to load with my adblocker off. With it on it is around a second.

if you guys ever adjust your ads to be less batshit crazy obnoxious, please write an article alerting us. until then you will remain adblocked.

You do, of course realize, that being a preachy bitch of a vegetarian is probably the number one way to keep people eating meat, right?

People that still choose to eat meat don’t care about consequences. Flavor is the ONLY thing that matters.

My father:
A is for Accceptable

As a Chinese immigrant, a B- *was* terrible.

And of course the massively popular “Thunderbird”!

Come on, Marvel... give me that Excalibur movie I’ve been dreaming of since Nightcrawler appeared in X2...