

Presented as comic relief? Did we even watch the same scene?

I'm saying that pop music is vapid and disposable, and therefore it's weird to me when a review spends a significant amount of time analyzing the lyrical content. Especially when said lyrical content apparently constitutes a large part of the final score.

It's hard for me to understand how anyone could care about lyrics in pop music as much as this reviewer apparently does.

This is great situation to be so pedantic about word usage.


If anyone still doubted that the show is as good as Breaking Bad, that was the episode that puts it over the top.

As someone who thought CGI Tarkin looked fake as hell in Rogue One, I actually think the tiger looks just fine.

I'm fairly certain that she's contractually obligated to lose weight for the role.

Slow down, Billy. You're not on the moon yet.

Well, I don't wear Doc Martens and I don't wear flannel….and I don't boycott the music video channel.

This is the least essential AV Club "least essential albums" list that I can recall ever reading.

I need to hear that.

Gosh, that never gets old.

I stopped reading at "literally a lot of them."

The lack of Bob Loblaw completely invalidates this article.

Skyward Sword came out in 2011. Where are you getting 8 years from?

No, Sarah Michelle Gellar, I will be as obstinate about your review as I see fit. This is the internet!

I think you and I are listening to different albums.

They mostly consist of a bunch of obtuse electronic noises. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but nor is it in any way similar to AMSP.