Kevin B.

My guess ... steroids

someone who knows, GRRM

Listen, I’m not one to judge, but if your chronic masturbation includes pratfalls you’re...well, like I said, I won’t judge and tell you you’re doing it wrong, but I do have to say you’re doing it in a very unconventional fashion.

Jones just left the UFC championship so fast you’d swear it was a pregnant woman he t-boned in the middle of an intersection...which is also a thing he did...He came back to get a stack of cash through, so that’s nice.

GoT Viewers (pleading): “Perhaps it’s enough to write for those writers that cannot write for themselves.”
GRRM (looking at Season 7 scripts): “Aye. Perhaps that’s enough.”

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a trade where each team ends up with a different-sized version of the player they already had.

If Cleveland parlays this into another Finals trip, the Steph/KD pick and roll against Isaiah/Love is going to be a fucking war crime.

I was going to ask what Anthony Bennett’s OVR was but I don’t think 2K’s scale goes into negative numbers.

The fundamentals were astounding, though.

Well, great. First Greg completely breaks Whitlock and gets a big fancy job, and now this. We’ll miss you, Billy.

LOL “nobody watches the boobs and dragons show for fun! they watch it because it’s realistic!” Okay buddy.

Thing is, if you can’t dunk, you can’t dunk. Period. Ever.

1-0 isn’t a sufficient sample size

This doesn’t seem close to me either. Google tells me roughly 40% of the adult human population is overweight and that the average male is 5'6" and the average female is 5'2". If that’s remotely true, the pool of people who can reasonably expect to dunk a basketball—something that can’t exactly be lucked into—is lower

I just want to throw something out there, in anticipation of the comments about how no one is forcing these people to write, ect.

Why? She was amazing in the Diary of a Teenage Girl. I honestly don’t understand the Jez hate for Kristen fucking Wiig (??).

This is my favorite part tbh

Consider going back to whoever made your defective mouth and ask for a refund

I’m afraid it is you who is wrong.

Whoa whoa whoa, Michael. Settle down.