Also available for Lamborghinis
Also available for Lamborghinis
Great. GREAT. Now you've gone and pissed off the actual, official Cap'n Crunch Facebook page.
Readers deserve an explanation. This is the cereal discussion we had before Marchman went rogue.
There's an important distinction to be made between ranking and seeding. That bracket was not "Jolie Kerr's Personal Feelings On The Nature Of Dips," doll.
Why punish the 11 year old? I mean, how can that be a supervisor's fault?
Blue Stripe Caused Riots In Ukraine!
Guess what, he plays for the other team.
"I'm taking my talents to South Venus". -LeBron
I'm going for the inevitable moment when Lebron leaves the Toons for the Monstars
As a proud Canadian, I wish the U.S the best of luck and good health in today's contest
Normally, this would come as a complete shock. But for Charlie Villanueva, it didn't even raise an eyebrow.
stoptimus prime
Ok you win.
How about the Fiat 4x4 Doberhuahua?
Should have done it in Comic Sans.
Wolf not authorized!
Rob ford:
That's nothing, you should see what this artist does when he really bears down and creates something of lasting merit.
And in the spirit of that, your comment.
Am I the only one that really likes it?