Kevin B.

You know what they say about American Beer and having sex in a canoe?

Took 18 minutes for someone to bitch.

You guys are slacking.

Dash Cams: directed by Michael Bay.

Funny side note about Cars - I was trying to remember what the Hudson Hornet was called, and the easiest way I could think of was to check out the Wikipedia page for Cars. While perusing the page, I noticed that whoever wrote the article (or at least a section of it) noted of the choice to put the eyes of the car in

For one of the "smarter . . . guys in the league," you'd think Lopez would know that Bosh is on Miami now.

So is it like a Deadspin rule that any article about Lebron has to have at least one (usually 5) lame Delonte West jokes shoehorned into the comments?

If it was a straight bar would you have mentioned that as well?

Things I wish I thought of: Exhibit A

The rare (well maybe not too rare) but always impressive lose-lose trade

I love Jalopnik.

+15 Health

so wheels

I thought metric was the standard?


He looks to be snowshoeing, actually. Good thing he has that cute service dog there in case of difficulty. Thinking ahead, he even packed a spare dog for the journey, which is excellent preparation.

Infiniti - now with douchebag rims straight from the factory!

"You play the saxaphone poorly!"
- traditional Russian insult

"Quick watch me trace his uniform with my index finger!"