Kevin B.

u rite, u rite. My name is Kevin and I have an entirely uninteresting face.

Do we really have an anonymous Kinja user questioning Russell Westbrook’s sense of style and fashion?

Jax Teller walk

Gonna be honest here he’s in pretty good shape

I ssoooOOOOOoooOO00o0OOO0oOO badly wanted this to be good and fun but I guess that just isn’t happening. Shame on me for being optimistic.

This is going to turn into some weird ESPN Sponsored Content thing with Woj’s tweets showing up on the screen behind Adam Silver as he announces the picks

how much is charley rosen paying you?

Do you even like basketball?

can phil also be swallowed?

Best outcome here is that they trade Kristaps but end up stuck with Melo, right?

We need a Google Forms form for The Underpants Survey.

I hate sunscreen and I refuse to wear it unless I’m going to be outside for, like, 4+ consecutive hours. It smells gross, it feels gross, it costs money that could be used on other things, you need to bring the bottle with you. Fuck all of that. Fuck sunscreen.

monsanto strikes again

this guy gets it

And no, not FAO Schwartz. Duncan’s Toy Chest.

What’s The Best Store To Daydream About Robbing?

I think Masai could convince Phil that this trade would really stick it to Melo and Kristaps and show them who’s boss. That’s the play here.

give him to me

There is no good shower sex. Never has been, never will be

This is perfect timing. My wife told me that for Father’s Day I can go buy myself a bicycle. I have not owned a bike in over a decade but I am looking forward to owning one again.