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Kudos on mentioning Greaser's Palace. I always felt it was a take-off of Jodorowsky's El Topo:

The whole thing is painful, really.

Some memorable Spanish-speaking edition covers:

* Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace.

I can't breath...

I feel devastated. My father introduced me to the Nomes Trilogy as a kid and into Discworld as a teen. He was one of the first authors I read in English and I always keep a Discworld novel around as a palate cleanser. Now that he's gone, I don't think I ever want to finish the Discworld series

Last time we won't die again.

Go Team Vemture!

I can't read articles like this without thinking on my late grandfather. :-(

Every sperm is sacred! Every sperm is good!

I'm currently watching the show for the first time and I'm surprised how ahead of its time is!

Web-MD told me it was cancer.

The hunter who killed Bambi's mom, if I'm not mistaken.

Indeed. While reading this article all what I could think of is: Where did the previous tennants go?

Y ni siquiera les dieron una hora en la piscina de pelotas.

I'll be in my bunk...

Catch-22, anyone? Not all WWII representations before Vietnam were all Honkey-Dory.

Todos sabíamos que tarde o temprano George R. R. Martin mataría gente en el mundo real.

Pinky & the Brain. It was really funny as a child, but it unbelievably hilarious as an adult with jokes that range from Woody Allen to Hieronymous Bosch.