Easy to draw and easy to spot are the principles, I believe.
Easy to draw and easy to spot are the principles, I believe.
My problem with the US flag is that is way too hard to draw. As a child, I suffered drawing the (then) 7 stars of the Venezuelan flag, so I can't imagine how it would be drawing 50!
My home state's flag. If a house exploding isn't cool, then I don't want to be cool.
I thought at first Nickelodeon had ordered a 20-episode season, then it was shortened and that's why it felt so abridged and then it was given a second season with no plot thread left to do.
I'm sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what pain you have had to cope. There's a significant age gap between me and my siblings and cousins, but I still can thank a cousion who is 10 years younger than me having introduced me to Avatar: The Last Airbender or my little sister doing so with Adventure Time and I can't…
When I was 10, I read about Futurama's premiere on the local newspaper. I was really excited since I adored The Simpsons but it was going to premiere six months later on my country.
My mother:
Hipsters with mechas?! If this is the future please point me out to the nearest suicide booth.
"You're watching the British Emergency Broadcast System. The time is either February or October and it's time for... The Quiz Broadcast."
Pulp Fiction?
Six seasons and a movie!
I really love how much she managed to do within a budget. One tend to see themed living spaces where it's obvious they blew thousand. Here, it's cheap, practical AND geeky awesome.
I actually discovered it through Prokofiev's musical composition as a teenager. I heard the soundtrack first and years later I saw the movie. It's quite impressive how it was done considering all the limitarions at the time (Wartime Russia).
Now I want to re-watch the second season of The Venture Bros.
Alexander Nevsky's Grand Master is impressed.
I have been thinking on getting a Clark Nova for a while. I heard those are great for writing.
These comments reminds me Stanislaw Lem's criticism of American SF:
I hope Robert has a matching onesie. You know, like the one Barton Fink wore.
Unless this game brings up wild animals and a great white hunter from a pocket dimension I'm not impressed.
Indeed, I was hoping something like Heritage USA or something bred out of a modern Elmer Gantry. Instead, this is more like the Watts Towers or the Palais Ideal. Quite beautiful and remarkable.