
You know, I wonder now how one calls a collective group of Dodos. A siánce of Dodos?

Hold on...

That owl is ready to go to the parliament!

3rd. Rock from the Sun -Rutherford, Ohio.

"You know... for kids!"

So where's The Simpson's Springfield? Near Winnemac, perhaps?

Yes, you all say how cool they were. The problem wa that those that weren't awfully heavy, either caused you second-degree burns or smelled like rotten animal carcasses.

Simply depressing.

I knew it would be Robert Lopez, but a part of me wished that Disney had hired Trey Parker.

My thought exactly, one of the basic beauties of SFF lies in imagination and speculation, not in imitation.

Dieselpunk wet dream!

Now playing

Shame for not mentioning their mockumentary for Universal Studios: Your Studio and You.

This reminds me those century-old future speculation commenting on the US annexing the entire Americas. It was more probable back then than now, when the US was the largest beacon of industry in the region. Nowadays, though, we live in a globalized world where is less likely to bother so much about which country is

I suspect that with urban sprawl and overpopulation we'll end getting rid off of cementeries. I vote to use again catatombs.

Fun thing is that is that it changes with metric countries where they tend to bury people 2 meters deep.

The problem boils down on how special they see themselves. At most, 20% of the people in the world considers themselves Christian. That's one out of five. Yet, these reactionary individuals go on as if they were so very unique.

That's true but no doubt is an improvement than "Suddenly we were here".

I know you're agreeing with me. And I agree with your posts as well, I mean, Sir Isaac Newton wrote more on theology than on algebra and that doesn't take away the weight his ideas and knowledge had.

"Intelligent design isn't science even though it pretends to be. If you want to teach it in schools, intelligent design should be taught when religion or cultural history is taught, not science." -Fr. George Coyne, SJ. Former director of the Vatican Observatory.