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    Yeah that’s what most of those other comments were saying. The thing with knowing that is it significantly raises the probability that he will revert to the character in the book, or at least to the actions such a character would take. And anyway it’s not about this specific case but a request for future, there’s no

    Please don’t make it as if anything is as clear cut as that, there are plenty of ways for this to take a surprising turn if the writers wanted to. If you say the show is giving indications that this might happen, fair play to you and I’ve got no qualms with that, you’re then just hypothesising with the same amount of

    Agreed, except they could’ve done The Hand so much better. If you remember it was actually pretty cool when they were slowly introduced in DD S1. Ninjas and oriental martial arts? Sign me up. But then all the blood-sucking and mind control silliness and how they basically destroyed Elektra (who was a great character

    Another great episode of, I think it’s fair to say by now one of the best sci-fi TV seasons ever?

    Sure why not, give it another shot. And do The Maxx too while you’re at it.

    I’m pretty sure both Twin Peaks and the Young Pope resent that last statement.

    Well I didn’t think this finale was perfect but not for any of the reason this review mentions. I just can’t for the life of me reckon with why Farouk has been freed and is wearing a nice suit and sunglasses rather than standing trial, while David is. Seriously? If David deserves this, then surely also Farouk? And

    Also interesting that Syd shooting David with a gun didn’t provoke any reaction out of this reviewer.

    I find it extremely ironic and somewhat absurd that your review is obsessed with the sexual assault angle and sees that as an ultimate black-and-white signifier of what kind of person someone is regardless of any other complexities of this situation and the person involved (of which there are many, including most

    Dunno about being obsessed with tradition, I guess it just takes a lot of balls to change a 4-5 thousand year old alphabet and nobody’s had it this far. Also if you think that’s Hebrew’s biggest problem... how about having extremely ambiguous vowel letters? Or sounding like a biblical figure trying to cough up flem

    Well said, completely agree except instead of throwing out those episodes I would just change this last one.

    I also wasn’t sure so I just re-watched the last bit of the episode, and I’m 99% sure the torture is entirely in the mind realm as when Cary finds Oliver he seems to have no marks, bloodstains or tears in his cloths. That’s also reinforced by Oliver starting to scream when David initially just touches him on the

    Yeah, I can find potential excuses for and/or look past the stuff you mentioned in brackets but the other points are pretty galling. A show only needs to conform to its own internal logic but it doesn’t feel like they even did that very well in this ep.

    That’s a different one

    Yeah I’m with you on that... I keep waiting for Cary or Kerry to have a significant moment, am still mourning Ptonomy whom they somehow managed to make even more inconsequential than he already was, and most of all Oliver was so much more fun last season when he was an actual character instead of a zombified avatar.

    Only if you feel like a TV series’ excellence is primarily based on its ability to tell a grander story and not, say, equally by its ability to create incredible individual episodes and even moments, as part of this larger puzzle. I also usually find myself frustrated by such bottle episodes, I hated TV back when it

    I felt there was a severe lack of Pam-hallucinating-on-frog-poison scenes. Otherwise good episode.

    As far as I can tell it says תחוי רעותך which makes no sense. It could be a slight misspelling of תחוי דעותך which would mean “express your opinion” when spoken to a female. I’m guessing there were no Hebrew speakers at the tattoo shop that day...

    I wouldn’t go that far... if you mean the two episodes about David’s ‘alternative universes’ and Syd’s maze of memories then I’m forced to disagree with you, as I found those two episodes delightful and very inspiring pieces of art in their own right. I mean sure I agree they didn’t add much to the story but is that

    Almost no one had a big role there, he was arguably the best and most engaging character.