
I understand where you’re coming from, but we have to mock the dad. Because he’s not our hero. He’s a silent guardian. A watchful protector. And a little bit of an oaf.

Quote: We empathize with Mr. Huang’s family, who are understandably facing loss and grief, but the false impression that Autopilot is unsafe will cause harm to others on the road.

I’m sorry, but I find this to be bullshit. If people believe that Autopilot is unsafe, they’re more likely to continue paying attention

Perfect isn’t the standard, safe is. This case is different than others that have come before. When the system drives toward a hazard instead of away from it as it should, that system is not safe. That’s going to have major implications for Tesla both in stock price and sales, which the company can not afford right

Both are at fault, but the driver more so than Tesla. Tesla needs to change the technology name from Autopilot to just cruise control. And the driver for thinking he can drive without his hands like a fucking Houdini. He did a Houdini though, and disappeared from life forever.  

What’s even more absurd is the idea of launching a first stage rocket into space and having it return back to gently land on a floating barge to be re-used again later.

I really enjoyed SOMA, but it seems strange to me that there’s much of a conversation about the ending, as I found it to be pretty straightforward sci-fi stuff.

01) At the beginning of the game Simon 1.0 gets scanned in Toronto creating Simon 2.0 in the process, stored in a file existing in what amounts to suspended

The “coin toss” is just a description of how it would feel. The consciousness never warps. When the copy is made, there is two “you”s. Since the original and the copy are identical, each one would feel like they are the original. The consciousness in the original body would FEEL like it lost, since it is stuck in the

Doesn’t seem like a coin toss to me. When Simon 2 made Simon 3, the game continued as Simon 3 for dramatic purposes and to explain to the player the gravity of the situation.

There’s no warping of consciousness. Being a perfect copy, it’s experiencing everything sequentially. You’re not REALLY Simon 2.0 after the 3.0 copy happens, you’re just the copy that has memories up until the brain transfer and, from then on, continues to exist.