Yeah, but if you play it backwards, it's an auctioneer selling priceless Satanic heirlooms.
Yeah, but if you play it backwards, it's an auctioneer selling priceless Satanic heirlooms.
It's Indiana, not Insteve.
"He just punched him square in the face for no reason? I don't buy it. Something else must be going on here. I bet Ford cut him off on the way into the gas station. Something like that. We'll just have to wait for the video. And if there is no video, who are we to judge this man? He may have been in fear for his life.…
Klu Klux Fans
When people say "you're cool," do you immediately check your body temperature or nah?
Sure was lucky that someone had crashed their car into the rink so we could get this on video.
At least it's better than when the Denver Nuggets had their mascot do a reenactment of Billie Holiday's Strange Fruit.
Goddammit it. I'm so sick and tired of these bearded hipsters getting all the Babes.
Liar, liar, compound on fire.
Here's an idea: let's employ a system that's a hybrid of our collegiate athletic tradition and the leagues European countries have for semipro sports. The revenue-generating sports programs would administratively separate from colleges' athletic departments. In this situation, top players can choose to earn a degree…
Because the "proof" they want is a fossil that's half-Elephant and half-Hippo because they're so dumb that's what they think evolution is.
It's just not fair, how you white people suffer.
Wussification of America.
As opposed to FSU, who apparently has enough institutional control to make a felony go away?
Aging Balls