
I recall that there were plenty of people who said maybe we should pump the brakes on this story since parts of it aren’t adding up. Granted, those people were tarred and feathered on Jezebel and Gawker, but they certainly existed. One particular person was roundly ridiculed for daring to question the story and

If Feminists were actual leftists instead of being primarily interested in personal gain we’d never be here. Thiel sees someone who is willing to make the justice system bend to their desires. That’s his whole desire.

Even people with journalism degrees from Columbia.

Yeah, I can’t believe she’d treat a friend who she disagrees with on an issue w/ respect instead of throwing him under the bus.

Come on, dude. He said “a smart understanding of what rape is becoming and what we’re now understanding about it.” He’s making exactly the point you say he should be making. Jesus, why does this conversation always devolve into policing people for not phrasing things in exactly the way people like you approve of?

“Agree with me or perish.”

The problem with this blog is that this has never happened, ever, to anyone.

You collectively (Gawker Media) have yet to publish anything, taken singularly or as a collection, about Jill Stein that would indicate accepting these deficiencies would be more damaging to the world than the deficiencies of Johnson, Clinton, or Trump.

Where do you want us to start?

Not true, you could put your vote to good use and vote Gary Johnson. Only one on the ballot who shares values across both camps. He and his running mate Bill Weld ran as Republicans in the 90s in Liberal states and won, twice.

The Clintons made $11 million last year. Anyone who makes more than a 2 million a year (and isn’t a lottery winner or pro-athlete) is automatically corrupt.

Bingo. It’s amazing how the definition of hero can change depending on who's dirty dealings are exposed.

Agreed and OH please. Gawker medias consistent and non hypocritical position on leaking information..


So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?

Great news. Mike Judge rocks. Haters gonna hate hahaha

Respect. It was always about the comedy, not political commentary. Don’t tarnish a great movie with a cheesy or full-of-it-self attack ad.

Jesus Christ, people are still bitching about Idiocracy. Meanwhile, I’m sitting here waiting for the Gawkerverse to acknowledge the deaths of at least 85 Syrian civilians by drone strike. There couldn’t be any better illustration of why Judge’s “fuck ‘em all” philosophy is kind of necessary right now.

This strategy hasn't panned out for me yet, not for lack of trying.

being pedantic is impolite. Are you sure you’re Canadian?