
Yeah. I've wondered if she even knows this is out there. So crappy.

I hope to see charges in this case. I can’t believe she thought this was in any way okay! Imagine if some pervert cut out some kind of Revenge of the Nerds peephole to take pics of LA Fitness clients changing and put them on the Internet. This is the same goddamn thing! She violated that woman’s privacy and

“The best we can to pray for the father and husband so he can work through this.”

Why do these asshole viewers always start thier complaints by pretending they think we have stylists? Every email or DM I got attacking my appearance back in my TV morning show days would start off with “I don’t know who is doing MaxiPad’s hair/wardrobe/makeup these days but she looks like [insert animal here - pig or

I’m so sad. As an Albertan I think we need tougher penalties for this crap. This is why I run the other way when I see local anti-vaxxers at the mall. My baby just got his six month immunizations! Stay the fuck away from us crazy people!

I honestly thought this was gonna be a post about Britney recommending a book to fans and I got all excited. I would join the shit out of Britney’s Book Club. This woman is amazing.

By February of this year eight police dogs had been killed in duty. They get stabbed all the time.

A lot of police forces don’t have more than a grand set aside to cover these dogs medical expenses. It’s pretty typically for an injured or ill police dog to be retired out to thier partner’s family. That family is then in the hook for all the medical expenses. So basically, a dog can end up working for a police force