Maxine Shaw

The reason why I pay such a ridiculous amount of money to shape up two inches of hair at a beauty shop is b/c black male barbers are pure shit when it comes to a woman's hair. Not all of us want to look like your gay auntie at Thanksgiving, for fuck's sake!!!!

When I went to FAMU, there was no Whataburger, Jack in the Box or Grandy's. No Blue Bell. No Mrs. Baird's. Freshman 15? Not if you were from Texas!

I have used rain, cold, heat, and time (too early/too late). And that was just last month!

I use the Lil Mama test. If Lil Mama made Formation, would people have gone crazy over it? Of course not. They would've rightly trashed it for the crap it is. But like you said, it's Beyonce, so…

Those are the same people who think Formation is a black power anthem, even though 85% of that dumb-ass song is about nothing but how great it is being Beyonce.

And it is an extremely stupid trope that many actual athletes (of which I am one) make fun of on a regular basis. #stanfail

The funny thing is that a *true* athlete would tell you that jumping rope and riding bikes IN THE RAIN is a great way to blow your knee out or bust up your ankle. At the very least, you're gonna get sick as a dog.

"Calvin got a job!!!"

In the elevator scene last season, Jamal makes a reference to remembering Carol getting high. It seems like she was a drug addict for years. Remember, she also ran drugs for Cookie. Sounds like a "high on your own supply" kind of thing.

I can't believe that Cookie didn't know that you get a permit from Parks and Recreations, not your effin' PROMOTER.

The whole Laz/Cookie thing was stupid as hell. Forget that the actors had zero chemistry whatsoever. (The look exchanged b/t Taraji and Terrence had more chemistry than anything we'd ever seen from Taraji and Adam in nearly two months.) But I can't believe that we were supposed to believe that a street-smart woman

"Seriously, raise your hand if you know a White “Maurice.”

"We don't WANT a good principal! We WANT! MISTER! CLARK!" *cries with laughter* I'm a teacher, so this movie is one of my faves. It's complete bullshit, though. Clark was a Republican shill whose own staff wanted him gone, and he didn't spend one day in jail.

You mean to tell me this was the BEST they could make her sound?

I didn't think it could get any worse when "Weggie Rudlin" left (say what you want about the guy, but he gave the show a certain level of cohesiveness), but this was so bad that I actually stopped watching. At least season 3 was coherent. With McGruder gone, it's not even watchable.