
Lol its funny you say that because on Sunday they are all Eagles fans.

He is so handsome. Form Arms *swooooon*

Why limit the creeping... I mean admiration to the players? There are great looking managers. Andre Villas Boas and Paulo Sousa

I have guy friends who always give me the "You only watch because x superficial reason" shit just because I'm woman. I'm the one who played two D1 collegiate sports to their zero. So what if I also want to have sex with all of the men posted in this article.

Why is Jezebel trolling and generating click bait content by writing misleading and often problematic articles? Maybe the guys at Vice are right about Gawker Media. I guess this is why feminists everywhere consider Jezebel the barely inter-sectional McDonald's of Feminism.

Misogyny is like racism. It is so ingrained in society that I doubt it will go anywhere. The best we can hope for is for lawmakers to make it punishable by law.

Holly shit my niece plays women's lacrosse at Elmira and sister at Delaware

I feel like the average guy is either a nice guy who thinks he deserves a super model or a average guy who's insecure about himself and won't approach the Vanessa' s of the world . My baby brother is like the latter, he doesn't think he is as good as factory modeled frat boys. I just want to scream dude trust

I can say as a woman of color I feel as if race is what people judge me on first. I'm not even going to try to pretend that one is more important the other. As black women we face the hurdles of sexism and racism, but I have faced more racism than I have faced sexism.

You are confused by this because I was absentminded and responded to the wrong comment. Sorry.

If being fat is a choice, because there is proof that shows that being fat does not equal being unhealthy. How can one choose to hold men to a standard you yourself can't uphold. This is no different than the unrealistic standards men hold us to with there beauty myths. That is my opinion I play soccer in college, I

I never played with dolls growing up, but I am fighting back tears while typing this. I love this little girl.

As bad as this sounds.... I would kill for Kim K's Christmas bag. I LOVE George Condo. My favorite artist.

Law enforcement needs newer tactics when it comes to prosecuting rape. That or states need to allocate more resources to law enforcement so that cases are not prioritized over others. Society needs to change to that there is no stigma in women coming forward to pursue those who raped them.

What benefit is there to false rape accusation? If she is found out to be lying there is plenty of backlash, like being called a lying slut. If she wins he just goes to jail there is nothing to be gained. Yes there are men who go to jail on false accusations but they are very rare. How many women have accused Tiger