This is a sad story. It’s about a man who died, but also a sweet story about a devoted brother. I just got an email…
This is a sad story. It’s about a man who died, but also a sweet story about a devoted brother. I just got an email…
Or that the E65 was designed by Adrian van Hooydonk.
Funny thing about the Z4: Everyone picks it as the most Bangle-ish car built by BMW during his term there, but it was actually designed by Anders Warming.
I rented a car once. After opting for the rental car insurance on the rental agreement paperwork, I thanked the clerk for their time and assistance. For the duration of the rental period, I obeyed all traffic laws and proper motorist etiquette. Since I was only renting the car, and it was not mine, I was considerate…
Don’t feel bad. Everybody sucks at aerodynamics. Well, I guess people who have actually studied aerodynamics don’t,…
Well, in all fairness, many of “them” did retire[?] to the southern Americas.
My dad had one. The Czech engine light was always on.
You caught me. I didn’t actually have one. My grandfather warned me not to get one. He said they were too full of electrical Kremlins.
I had one of these. It was the worst car ever. It just kept Stalin.
More than anything else, this video is maddeningly frustrating, in a deeply Kafkaesque manner. It shows a system…
What I personally read between the lines of the ad: a previous owner, who was maybe the first and maybe the second, put in a lot of repairs and decided to cut his losses. Now the seller, who might be the second or the third owner, has done some further work, and after one year and 8000 miles, wants out badly enough to…
Rabble, rabble, rabble—one day it’s going to be worth big bank, mark my words—rabble, rabble, rabble.
No, you calm down!!
Actually, I think it’s any city intersection with a Tim Horton’s, a beer store, and a Hudson’s Bay Company.
I’m guessing Jesus was his co-pilot?
Well, only how the guy ended up out of the plane before the crash is an assumption. But even so, this is hardly the “Weirdest Mystery of 2017" based on the facts so far. Add “...and the aircraft’s cabin doors were still locked...from the inside!” and you might have something.
But the facts of the matter make that about the only explanations. The pilot either fell out or jumped out of the aircraft at some point after take off, leaving the aircraft to crash when it ran out of fuel. That really isn’t all that mysterious.