You never seem pleased. Many of your comments have a sour note of entitlement. Not every post is for you, VGIRoller.
You never seem pleased. Many of your comments have a sour note of entitlement. Not every post is for you, VGIRoller.
"Plunk her in the spine." -Kirk Gibson
Can I pay them in Bitcoin?
When that "something that doesn't affect you in the slightest" is sex..I'd probably be pissed off too.
Kotaku: The Gamer's Guide
Seriously, reporting on stretchy, thin condoms?
Just imagine that it's not that big.
I didn't skip school a lot—hardly at all, now that I think about it. After watching this Australian PSA, I am really…
"Pigment? I don't need no stinking pigment."
You've never had a star and you've been banned 4 times? That's pretty bad.
Probably should have put a comma after the word off....