Maximus Intoxicus

what you describe was going to happen anyway, even if this had been a landslide. The GOP and their constituents excel at sitting on the sidelines and sniping at Dems who sincerely want to govern and make peoples lives better, because the GOP excels at conveying messages so simple to their cavemen that even they can

He had the house and senate and did nothing, but “reach across the aisle.” He doesn’t get thrown under the bus enough. In fact, he gets too much credit for the NOTHING he did.

Dang lifehacker...  This post is way too late.  Would have come in very handy while Obama was in office...

“Conservatives are capitalists and believe that entrepreneurs who amass great wealth through their own efforts are good for the country and shouldn’t be punished for being successful. Liberals are socialists who view successful business owners as people who cheated the system somehow or got lucky. That’s why they

I love lifehacker but hate that every time I come here I see a picture of Trump and another negative story about him. I don’t come here for political news and stories, yet I am bombarded with them the moment I land on the page. Yes, we get it, Trump is the president and your organization hates that thought, but