It’s definitely a bullshit PR move by the league. But if you’re going to stop spending money on something, “awareness” campaigns seem like a good thing to drop.
It’s definitely a bullshit PR move by the league. But if you’re going to stop spending money on something, “awareness” campaigns seem like a good thing to drop.
Having piloted a stock-ish SN-95 mustang GT to 135mph myself, I would not want to be part of pushing one to 150.
The rear tether points are key. It’s insane that an 8 passenger minivan (minivan! its MADE to haul kids!) only has 3 tether points. I had to swap seat bases wtih a later model to get the fourth in my Sierra.
I’ve got 5 kids and a Sienna.
Am I on reddit now or what?
A 3-year old ZR1 with 93 miles on it will probably cross the auction block with a reserve of $180k.
Hello, Me.
Shirley Muldowney and Brittany Force did ok without NHRA-W.
I will admit that I recently subscribed to Hot Rod again for $10 essentially just to get the t shirt they were offering. I think I’ve only flipped through 3 issues of the 9 or so I’ve got so far.
There is a certain joy to be had in making a full hot lunch, eating at a table, and pissing in a toilet, all while cruising down the highway at 60mph.
THank you! I could not come up with Michael McKean’s name on my own, but he’s all I could see.
Anything that keeps hollywood from smashing up our cool cars is good with me.
I get that its not for everyone, but I fully support loud, obnoxious colors on cars. Makes a fun driving car look fun too.
A car with a functional drivetrain and shit bodywork is a functional, but ugly car you can drive.
Six Sigma and Lean guys are the worst at this shit. They like to turn nouns into verbs all the time. “We’re gonna kaizen this area and pareto some numbers.”
I’ve heard that as a suggestion for, um, putting things in other things when one is having trouble, um, finding the hole. That felt bad to type.
Related to the cheaper suits, the single layer, bare-minimum-required Pyrotect suits that Lemons was promoting years ago wear like a canvas sack. I’ve never had a nice one and this has been washed so many times I wouldn’t risk it in a real racecar; its just for karting now.
Destination wedding with the parents and siblings only. On a beach, so no fancy clothes. At resort so we ate what they gave us. Easiest thing in the world and it included a built in vacation/honeymoon.
Yes. Most racing cars will have a rather short reach to the wheel. Along with fatigue issues, you can put more controlled force into the steering.
He’s gotta bitch about it now because next year that comment will cost money.