Maximum Ecoboost

Yeah, no one would make fun of them driving a corvette. /s

If we’re piling on the stereotypes here anyway, Dallas folk think they’re fancy and rich.

If they were really that hip there wouldn’t be so many of them. - J.S.

Didn’t the 94-95s catch hell on the tail lights for being horizontal bars though? Seems like lots of them got swapped for the 96-98 verticals later on.

We’re gonna melt off the polar ice and use that to fight river fires.

Not dumb at all. Learning car control in the wet is super useful and important. And putting kids in karts will make them better car pilots too.

I’m always kind of amazed that so many people find the speed and power a 600c sport bike to be boring. Those things run mid 10s in the quarter and hit 160+ top speeds. Everyone on a bike forum must be retired fighter pilots or something.

There’s a reason people look more closely at his possible PED use. Brady is 6'4" 220 and gets hit/pushed down a dozen times per game. Harrison is 6'0 and 240 and runs full speed into other large men pretty much every snap and can probably bench press Brady for 20 reps.

But that’s not a real hemi cuda so it should not carry the price of one.

Can we get one of those slider things on a comparison pic?

Never shit a shitter!

That is a very peculiar looking motorbike. The swoops say fast, but the tiller, erm, handlebars say touring.

Minute details in kart setup make an enormous difference in lap times.

10/10, would kart with Tommy.

You can’t really start too light. Adding weight every workout will catch up soon enough. Building strength is about the future, not the now.

If gif is jif, do you say Gizmodo and Jizmodo?

I don’t think Tav gets all the blame here. That’s been standard car mag headlining for as long as there have been car mags. “We built a 500hp junkyard motor for $12.32! With ported heads and a blower that we found in our garage...”

I got a good chuckle out of Moog jumping back when they first fired up the Impala. That car sounds evil.

Ride quality isn’t the worst of the Elise. It’s the squeaky hinges, tissue paper A-pillars and a/c that doesn’t work if it’s more than 85 outside.

Counterpoint: mayonnaise is not good.