Max Danger

I guess if you’re going to track your car when it’s 105 out, you’ll have to turn off the A/C.

Don’t forget that propane tanker that flipped and exploded on the north side of Indy a few years back....

I’ve just created my own Carbon offset startup.... Paypal me $20 and I hold in my farts for an entire afternoon.  Paypal me $40, and I’ll have a salad instead of a cheeseburger for dinner.

This.  If someone picked me up in a Fiat 500L I would immediately question their judgement and life choices, including their political affiliations. 

Ehhhh... The tie rods do absolutely nothing to suspend the car off the ground so, technically, they’re not part of the suspension... Ergo, you can do anything you want with tie rods. *shrug*

Social security is your go-to for extolling the merits of socialism? Social security is a fucking pyramid scheme that will likely crumble before anybody born after 2000 can claim the benefits they paid for.

I don’t think the problem is so much range as it is the lack of infrastructure at this point. There’s plenty of small bikes out there who’s fuel light will come on after like 120 miles but, even out riding in the country, it’s pretty rare to be more than 10 miles from a gas station.

Eh, before I had a smartphone, I’d get range anxiety while riding my ICE bikes out on back roads. I don’t miss it.

That timeline could only exist if the majority of people looked at their cars as more than appliances.

Except that you’re wrong. At the time the GTO was brought over, the only other car you could get the LS2 in was the Corvette.

“Shooting an electric car makes it blow up? Interesting.”

I’d be extremely surprised if Bill didn’t ALSO own a Tesla or several.

There were 52 weeks in 1964, but I’m pretty sure there were 8 days a week at the peak of Beatlemania, which is a big part of how they were able to squeeze so many races into a year.


No. That’s what they do at Pike’s Peak for safety reasons and, if anything, it detracts from the coolness.

To me, the issue is it’s a VERY American car with a VERY Italian facade on it. It’s just too much dissonance.

The Tundra is 7/8th scale but sells for more. :-P