Max Danger

Much more popular opinion: I loved supercars up until they all started coming with flappy paddles.

I mean... maybe... I think it’s just as likely they turned all the dials to 11 for the top speed test, since they were going in with a non-production car anyway.

Put another way, this is far and away the classiest method one could possibly employ to shit on somebody driveway.

Wait, California can set their own fuel economy standards?? I thought they could only set their own emissions standards?

When my powerball numbers hit, I’m going to pick one up and drop it off at UGR or whoever it is that builds all those 1500+whp Gallardos.

Now playing

You will be amazed at how not-far-off from a Cosworth DFV they can sound. One guy in the parade spent something like 50k on this motor to put in a GT350

The answer is Audi S5: They can be found pretty cheap, have AWD, a back seat, and project juuuust enough sophistication that it doesn’t look like you’re trying too hard.

If SUV’s are in the game, then the answer is a 4-door Wrangler.  They’re one of the few modern classless vehicles that are regularly owned by the fabulously wealthy.

I’ve all but decided I’m switching from baseball caps to newsboy hats when I hit 40.  No fedoras though.  Never a fedora.

Pffft... On the ground, maybe.

Anybody with more than a cursory interest in drag racing knows air density is an extremely dynamic thing with way more variables than just altitude.

AFAIK, Castle Doctrine only really applies to RV’s and Houseboats outside of the home, and only when their parked/anchored... But I’m not a lawyer, and part of that is going off knowledge gleaned from an episode of Breaking Bad... So quote me at your own peril.

No matter how awesome the car may or may not be, I’ll forever refuse to like because of the stupid symbols in the name. It’s pretentious and irritating. Also, it’ll probably make it impossible to search for used ones on Craigslist ten years from now.

The background checks to legally carry a firearm are about 10 times more intensive than the checks to buy a firearm.

“It’d be a lot cooler if it did.”

...Are you fan of any of the water cooled iterations?  Aside from the 996, I don’t think I could tell one from the others with a gun to my head.

Without going to Autotrader, I would bet the Turbo 3.6 is worth more than the 550 today.

There’s a gas station phenomenon I’ve noticed time and time again that has no word for it but should: 

Replacing a handlebar with clip-ons on something that’s not going to be spending time on a race track is a nonstarter for me.