Max Danger

They... They didn’t destroy a McLaren F1 did they?

The only thing I can figure is that they wouldn’t cause lower combustion temps, but they’d be able to run at lower combustion temps than spark plugs can.

If you’re covering any real distance in Michigan and click the “avoid highways” box, you’re probably going to end up on a gravel road or four. It’s not super fun on a sportbike, but such is life.

All of internetdom says the FiST is more fun than the FoST. Miatas are still Miatas. 1 and 2-series BMW’s are pretty affordable slightly used (but are hard to find with a manual). Mustangs and Camaros are the best they’ve ever been, and stripped down V8 models are around $30k new if you’re not picky on the color.

As long as we’re going all original, let’s bolt that 150hp V8 to a manual trans and slap a $2,500 window sticker on it.  I’ll take five.

That was my point. This is a car blog... They’re supposed to get the finest details down when it comes to cars, and we rightfully jump down their throats when they make a slight error.

Since always... but we’ve always been super pedantic about cars. I’m guessing some riff raff from the AV Club have found their way over here to give us the ol’ “Ackchyually...” treatment.

All solid counter arguments... I’d say they are the nearest we have to a 2000's  version of a Westfalia... which are also hard to find with reasonable miles for a reasonable price.

The answer is always Honda Element. Need a place to crash between shifts when you’re far from home? Element has you covered.

Idiot proofing a Le Mans car isn’t really a possibility. At that level of motorsport you, ideally, don’t let idiots touch your car.

I’m a man, and I wish my eyebrows were thicker and more pronounced... But the stigma of being a man who wears makeup is a hundred fold worse than just being a dude with thin eyebrows, so I leave them be.

Super cool car. So my question to all you is this, I love little roadsters. Why should I buy an old vintage car like this instead of a 2019 Miata?

Random question... Do Celsius thermostats typically go into decimal places? The biggest benefit of Fahrenheit I see is the greater resolution, I know people who lose their minds if you mess with their thermostat because 72 degrees is sweltering and 70 is freezing to them. 

My school did random testing for nicotine (for students playing sports) back in the 90's... I never realized that was even a newsworthy thing.

I think we’re all going to need to see the maths on that claim.

Never heard that theory, what’d they say it was based on? On the bright side, oxygen deprivation is a way more peaceful way to go then a 600 mph nosedive into the ocean.

Assholes not moving when other people are on a collision course is a thing.  Near as I can tell, this thread of full of people who are aspiring to be assholes.

Tweeting a picture without saying who made it is an “offense”? If I see a meme I think is hilarious and post it, am I required to track down who made it and cite them?

There’s a Renault LeCar at the 6:00 mark! I don’t think I’ve ever seen one in real life, but apparently 1980's LA was thick with them.

There isn’t a need per say, but there’s nothing wrong with more horsepower as long as you’re aware of your own mortality. I’m coming up on 40 and still riding the 2008 FZ1 I bought at the tail end of my 20's. It won’t give the latest crop of superbikes a run for their money, but 150hp in a 470lb bike sure makes easy