Max Danger

So 94% of people who commit mass shootings are perfectly well adjusted individuals who are content with their life and their place in the world? Neato.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say mental health is a factor in 100% of indiscriminate shooting rampages.

It looks like she added the link so the collar can’t be used as a choker.

the scary reality of ride-hailing, and any other form of transportation where an unfamiliar driver has the power to do things like lock doors or manipulate the situation

So does that mean there will be a 2023 Carrera GT?

YASSS!! Also Watermelon Sour Patch Kids.

You already accidentally dropped your copy into the toilet and had to throw it out, didn’t you?

1st gen with a removable top is the right choice, but finding a clean one would be a bit of a unicorn hunt.

I’m 6' and owned an R53... Unless the roadster has less headroom than coupes, the Mini will have more headroom than most cars. Quite a bit more than a 4runner, even.

I dig the body kit.  Swap out those wheels for a set of panasports with the appropriate offset, and it’d be sexy.

The glass hatch has gots to go... It looks like a shrunk down C5 hatch to me. The car MIGHT look ok in black, just because a lot of the weird details would kind of disappear.

It has a front diff... I can’t tell if there’s a driveshaft going to it or not though.  If it does, that’s definitely a set of mud tires away from being the darling of the Gambler 500.

Trump should be Takashi from 2F2F. He’s the only villain who’s completely driven by ego with no real master plan. He just wants everybody to believe he’s the most bestest driver around, and will go to insane lengths to maintain that image.

All it does is make them whine.

HARUMPH!! If that’s the way they want to play it, then they can count on me not being a CT4-V buyer 15 years from now when they’ve depreciated into my price range!

All the stars to you.

Both genders do both things... Men are more likely to use a gun in either case though, hence why the suicide rate for men is about 4 times what it is for women... and why, to my knowledge, no woman has ever gone on a killing spree because men wouldn’t sleep with her.

Kristen, I think instead of focusing on Robot boobs, you should just be thanking your lucky stars nobody has thought to make a Transformer out of a BMW Gina yet.

It wouldn’t be a huge stretch (or, alternatively, squish) to get there from here.