Max Danger

My first thought as well... The one in Mad Max was a ‘75.

“Officer, I’m so fucking high right now don’t even know my own name, much less where I am!  Wait...”

I heard elsewhere there’s similar thefts in other states... These guys aren’t locals, there’s no serial numbers on the rims, and selling 3 of those 31 sets would clear more than the back of the napkin scrap value of the whole lot.

About 75% of NASCAR viewership is in it to see “the big one”.... How else are you going to have the possibility of a massive pile up in a qualifying round?

New Tahoe “OEM takeoffs” on Ebay with tires mounted and balanced will easily pull $700+ a set.

A lot of it is visual... but I think our current camera/computer technology is a long ways off from from visually telling the difference between regular snow, and regular snow that has been packed down by truck traffic and is just starting to glaze over.

...As long as the car also had a history of when plows went down that road, if they put anything down, did they put salt or sand down, how many other cars have gone down that road before/after the plows went down that road, how much shade/sun each particular stretch of road gets...etc. etc.

I like my bacon soggy.  Meat shouldn’t be crunchy. FIGHT ME.

Yeaaahhhh... I get that you’re kind of taking your life in your hands whenever you drive somebody else’s kit car, but a propane tank in the front and a turbocharged 500ci V8 in the back is a bridge too far.

Agreed, this would be like a farmer moving to New York City because climate change made their farming unsustainable, and writing an article about it titled “Farmers Must Endure Cockroach Infested Hellscape With Shitty Pizza Because of Climate Change”

Came here to say the same thing... 50 knots is hauling ass on water.  That’s like hydroplaning speed plus another 30 knots.

Maybe in an 1/8 mile. No chance it would have the top end to beat a Ferrari in a full 1/4 mile

Counterpoint-plus-extra is that it’d actually take more current to tug 10k lbs than it would to do a quick 0-60 sprint.

To be fair, a Dodge Caravan is good enough for 95% of truck buyers.

This. I’d assume it’d cost way more to prevent something like this from happening than it would to just cut some people a check for their cars every decade or so.

Best Idea Yet. Rebrand completely.

And how in the Hell do you pass 9 cars under a yellow?

Hope you have a nice garage. Most MV sit waiting for repair parts than on the road.

This. I remember paying .89 cents a gallon for gas in the mid-90's while I was in high school and working at K-mart. Minimum wage was $4.25/hour then.