Max Danger

Chicago would like a word.

A real space power builds satellites that can take themselves out of orbit.

“600+ horsepower with E-boost”

I’ve looked at 1 series off an on over the years.

You do you, broseph... But don’t come banging on my car window when the aliens from Signs show up.

Twist: Drifting takes place over land, therefore making it Overlanding.

Now playing

I always thought this commercial was hilarious... Yes, a midsize Lexus SUV is invisible, but an Audi SUV on the other hand is a bold statement!


Yeah, nightmare is a little strong... I don’t see how this is anything a good, red blooded ‘murican hobbyist couldn’t build themselves (maybe minus the full auto part)

The problem is cruisers sell on image and sportbikes sell on numbers.

I think that’s pretty reasonable given they’ll be driving cars that are more demanding than what a lot of them are used to.

The part that bothered me was the street race.  If you’re a career criminal in a stolen car that hasn’t been reported stolen yet, you know what you don’t do? Break traffic laws!

Agreed.  I would do terrible things to people I care very deeply about for an 05-06 GT... but $500,000 for a 3.5 ecoboost powered anything is too damn much.

Good aero, light weight, and a motor with a yuuuuuuuge amount of aftermarket support and builders.

It’s light and has a butt load of power, but the neon is still FWD... 0-60 would be it’s weak point, especially on any kind of street tire.

Yeah... How does he have to give Chicago $10,000 without being charged with anything????

Oh man, that needs to be a factory option!

Smartest play:

If you pause it at about the 38 second mark when the bike is most sideways, you can see Martinez’s chest is underneath the blue tail section of the bike.