Max Danger

I’m pretty sure he’s talking about the engines typically used in model rockets. I can’t imagine there’s enough manufacturers using them in cars or boats to necessitate some kind of law... But whatever.

Eh, I’d argue that inflated or not, the market is the market.

Dang... eating at restaurants with waitstaff a couple hundred times a year?

As long as you keep lime out of your eyes, you should be fine. I don’t drink a Corona without it... not sure what these nancy pants dirt bikers are crying about.

Something for apartment dwellers to be aware of: Sometimes apartments share an attic with each other.

I think you’d have to at least see if you could get it to chase a laser pointer first.

You’re supposed to keep blankets in your car during the winter months.

Ok, is anybody REALLY a Flat Earther? I gotta think 99.999% of the people that are claiming to be are either trolls or are just looking to get publicity for one reason or another.

Is it just me or do all white people look the same?

Before we go clamoring for Eagles, let’s not forget what that concept came to fruition as:

...I’m gunna go out on a limb and say counseling wasn’t really a thing in 1970's Northern Ireland.

I’ve honestly never heard that song before... My brain while hearing it first time:

A lead shot in the frame rail trick I heard from a roundy round guy was to lave the lead shot in the right side of the car to pass corner weight tech, then pull a string or something when you rolled onto the banking so all the lead shot would roll over to the left side of the car for the race to help with weight

Something something Trump’s fault. Something something income inequality. Moral outrage! LOUD NOISES!!

I wouldn’t worry about your skin... 350kW is past skin melting and well into insta-death territory.  350kW is enough to power like 80 homes.

Smart. It costs like $50 to have tires remounted and balanced, so that saves you $100 a year at the tire shop. They’ll basically pay for themselves after about 1,000 years.

Ehhhh... I gotta think somebody spending $100,000 on a used set of wheels is going to have them inspected before clicking Buy it Now.

A fuel cutoff is definitely something you want to have in case of an engine fire.