
don’t drink the kool-aid, man. I bet there’s not even any silver in the silverado.

1st Gear: Fake diesels from VW? Fake numbers from Fiat? Next they’re gonna tell us “aluminum” is just a trade name for the stuff Ford makes F-150s out of. It’s really faux-luminum cheese food substitute.

sir you’ve just made my day

let me help you revise that: boys get their *daddies* to buy them full size king ranch LTZ whatevers, ask their *mommies* for money and put lift kits on *only the front ends* of their trucks, making them useless for literally anything, including driving in traffic

so people can’t just share the photo on facebook and claim it’s real..

Hey Ford. Great job so far. That shit. I like it.

funny it was called the Floride.. it’s the same color as my toothpaste

Saab didn’t fade into obscurity so much as it was drug out into the street and shot

Great. Chevy’s packing more tech in a car. My brother’s Cobalt is packed full of tech, but it’s just been deemed rolling blight by the zoning office. They offered to buy it just to hit it with wrecking balls. He even got a facade grant from the chamber of commerce just to repaint the hood. Again. The warmth from his

cool mazda

yeah, they’re pretty horrible. The bottom pinched my legs in a way that made them almost go numb.. If they did that to me, I can’t imagine what will happen to the crusty old farmer guys who live around here. Those guys probably have, on average, 60 years of bacon sandwiches built up in their arteries. I can’t wait for

aww... it’s got a clutch, a new motor.. and it’s already dinged up.

anyone who didn’t immediately see that as beautiful should have their eyes scooped out with tiny Ferrari Colombo pistons.

5. The return of Saturn

the new Impala is awesome. I still want the rental-generation one. Like a 2008 SS, in all black. I’ll call it Vlad the Impala.

your “testies tingle?” hahahahaha

Best car: Mustang GT, because it made things happen in my pants. And that is the, ahem, measuring stick I use.

Love the 3.

Man I’d say it’s beautiful. I think the Chiron looks great, and so does the model you posted here. I thought the EB110 was the coolest car on the planet when I was a kid. It’s kinda strange how so many folks all of a sudden came out of the woodwork, calling Bugattis ugly. Which is fine, I just don’t see it.

I recently read a long SAAB story about some poor fella upgrading his 9-3’s entire suspension to make it less floppy... just to rip everything back out and weld on an extra (stock) anti roll bar. Just stuck an extra one under the one he already had. Said it was literally all he needed to do to make it handle better..