
Why is it we feel the need to change a piece of our language every time something bad happens? “Accident” is a fine word to describe what happens when someone causes damage with a vehicle.. accidentally.

Vauxhalls found mutilated with surgical precision? Only a few parts missing? Was the oil all drained out too?

The lower interior trim grade looks much better. No gauges in the middle or swirly aluminum stuff.

A brand new GT’s clutch is butter.. at least the one I tested was. It felt nice and light with a long “action.” If anything, I’d have preferred slightly a five-speed unit, because skipping gears around town is too much like math.

NPNPNPNPNPNPNPNPNPNPNP 10/10 would daily drive

Any modification that causes the rear end of a truck to SQUAT Y’ALL SQUAT is an affront to humanity and should be outlawed under every human rights convention acknowledged by the U.S. and United Nations.

If I’ve said it once, I’ve bitched about it on Jalopnik a thousand times. These things will break long before the car needs to be replaced. How expensive will that be? Will these things even function correctly without updates? Will my mechanic also need to be a certified Verizon technician? How long until the screen

“The Big 2.5”

I wonder if the vests might have been damaged by the jet fuel, like gasoline on plastic.

Nah just the color. I’m exaggerating about not buying one, but it is just so unsightly to me.. Every Chevy I’ve reviewed post-bailout has been very good, except for that goofy bling stamp on the steering wheel, just like my brother’s crappy old Cobalt.

I like what Chevy’s doing now. I like the Sonic sedan, I think it looks three-box as all-get-out. But I won’t buy anything from them until they stop putting lame gold bowties all over everything

1st Gear: Speaking I want to know who’s going to fix all these car touch screen consoles for people who can’t keep an iPhone longer than a week.

Blah, blah, all Americans are terrible and the fact that we buy what we like makes us stupid, drooling monsters. We’ve all heard it a thousand times. What’s wrong with crossovers? I’d love a VW Tiguan. Besides, gas is cheap here, and Americans don’t actually know what they want, other than “GRAY-BLUE” with “CHROME”

Forget the auto, that’s all traction control keeping him safe.. Watching that green throttle gauge it’s like he trying to roll on sometimes but other times just mashing it. Or maybe that's how you do it, I'm not a racing driver I don't know haha

I think Sergio’s just got the hots for Mary Barra haha.

First you guys stick it in the sad 90s cars category, now you make fun of its name haha. It’s OK little Kia/Ford. I’d still fling you through the mud.

That thing’s so rad

Alfa will just be another Saab story as far as I can predict. And I love and miss Saab so much it hurts.. I own one myself. Alfas will unquestionably be prettier, classier, zanier and more lovable than the competition, but Americans buy expensive cars as status symbols first and love affairs second. Folks want

something has just happened... in my pants

I know, right? Oh so your Ford Aspire isn’t fast enough? Well it’s a small, FWD hatchback that, I’m assuming, came with a stick shift.. and it’s completely worthless! Add power, then.. RALLYCROSSSSS ITTTTTT