
good suggestion.. even so many years on, it’s still the Car of the Future.

I’ll raise you a testicle.



I hate when that happens. They’re hard to find, but sometimes you can get the baby pork shoulders.. perfect for single servings. Tender, too

What’s Memorial Day? Oh, you mean deadline day!

The only salt flats this thing’s ever been near are the potato chip crumbs between the seats

I won’t be sticking my arm into that catfish’s mouth.

“Instead, I crashed their car.”

Just test-drove the Cadillac ATS for a car review, it came with that same 270 hp mill and magnetic ride control.. expect 0-60 in the mid five-second range (auto, 2.0T) and a decently comfy ride. If ZF supplies the steering and Tremec the six-speed stick (which I did not sample), it will be good fun. Also note the ATS

so the bottom of his car is in mortal danger of being ripped apart by a particularly grimy Canadian dollar coin. I fail to see how that’s hurtin’ anyone anywho, eh

The bad guy last night on Criminal Minds drove a black one of these hahahaha.. he ran people over for driving red coupes. On a tangential note, that is actually not a very good show.

Last-gen Chevy Impala Limited. You know, the boringest one. It’s so boring, my computer won’t even upload the photo for fear it might go into sleep mode. It was the end of a horrible era in which General Motors not only didn’t care, they wanted you not to care either. Their cars were designed to be as anonymous as

blah-blah political crap blah-blah who cares

“because I’d rather a divider between me and what I failed to properly tie down”

oh yes.. it wasn’t the fastest Ford I’ve driven, but it’s the only one that ever made me laugh. The lack of sound deadening in the panel version made it especially easy to hear on a smooth road.

GM’s ignition switch has killed more people than most serial killers

Ford vans are selling because the Transit Connect is hilariously fun (and capable). I test drove the Connect short wheelbase panel van (only one they had) for a car review and laughed the whole way home.. it made turbo noises! And it handled great! And it’s entirely made of doors!

You’re right, if I wanted to spend that much money just to be bored, I’d just buy $14,000 worth of mayonnaise.