
Wrong. Do not EVER keep your socks on. *Shudder* Naked man in just socks is the most awkward thing ever in the history of ever. I have always and will always continue to demand the coordinated removal of socks with pants. If the pants come off, the socks come off. Period.

Different strokes for different folks. I was just coming to the comments to see if everyone else thought this was big swing and miss too.

Who likes a soft ass?

Sharing pictures of yourself online does not invite and allow unwanted attention in real life.

1:25!!!! You are a beast! I enjoy the 13.1 distance also :)

Does anyone else find her unbearably obnoxious? And not a particularly great actress? Anyone?

Give me one reason why you feel Hillary will be a good leader and cite a program Hillary managed that was a net positive for the country.

Intents AND purposes. Sorry, that one just begs for correction.

White beauty standard aside (I really don't want to deal with that aspect of this right now), I'm just going to say that men have shitty taste in women compared to women. This is proof.

So if I use this shampoo I'll be perceived as less bitchy? Because that's probably worth the risk of neurological damage caused by the MIT found in Pantene.

"skinny women have no souls dont ya know!" god jezebel, get over yourself. your green is showing.

I don't think Vagina pics are that great either though. Vaginas are gross sometimes wrinkly and saggy and sometimes not but they can look diseased too. Genitals are not a pretty site but give me a dick pic over a vag shot anyday!

Babies are pretty disgusting. lol

That's pretty cool, I suppose, but he's still a fucking robber baron.

Go read up on what he's doing to US public education. It's not so adorable.

I agree people should do the right thing, but what's so wrong with making it easier and less annoying for people to do the right thing?

I only respond to messages that make it clear that the guy 1) actually read my profile; and 2) has something in common with me or at least isn't clearly incompatible. If you spam a bunch of ladies without bothering to read their profiles, it's no wonder they don't respond.

"my facebook feed is cluttered with selfies by men of themselves shirtless"

Selfies make me think you are self-obsessed and are more interested in your carefully crafted persona than your actual self.