
I know. These women are fat. There is no way around it. Why are we pushing people to accept these bodies as "beautiful"?? They may be "real" "natural" and "normal" (sadly) but that does NOT mean we should push for this as a standard of normalcy. People take fat acceptance too far. We are fat enough as it is.

So, obese now equals normal. Oh America...

"Look at me! I'm just like Apolo OH NO!"

If she just stays down she will be simultaneously starting and stopping the swelling on her face.

Preparing a drinking game for any time someone types "trope" on Gawker.

Read my obit tomorrow.

Um, not Juggalo shorts, that's for sure. What's wrong with a pair of slim-cut mid-thigh to above-the-knee shorts?

IT would be so nice to have a President who wasn't a neocon corporatist. Warren is "too radical" by today's standards which puts her slightly to the Right of Richard Nixon and significantly to the Right of Eisenhower in terms of policy. This is a large part of what is wrong with America

And she'd be the first Native American president!

Elizabeth Warren. Hint hint.

Strangers shouldn't touch me. Why should they touch me? Stay in your own space, in your own seat. I will stay in mine.

As a skinny person who is repeatedly squished into the middle seats of cars, planes, trains, etc. because "you're so skinny." FUCK THAT NOISE. I paid the same amount for my seat; I want my fucking seat.

Yeah, no not even a little bit. I paid my bajillion dollars for my uncomfortable ass seat, and I want all of that bastard. I want to recline my seat like, two inches. You can have the armrests, I don't give a shit. But you're not getting an inch of my seat real-estate.

Yeah I'm sorry… but no. As much as I hate fat shaming and don't think heavier people should have to pay more, like fuck if I'm giving up space I paid for so wider people (not only fat people but also men like my husband with shoulders like a linebacker) can be more comfortable. I dare you to ask me on a flight and

If white men having Yellow Fever for Asian women is a thing, Asian women having White Fever for white men is definitely also a thing.

Who cares about any of it? Celebrity is a construction to deflect those that may display adequate intellect from thinking about real world problems.

I don't know about that, but I do think the Tosh hate on Jez is really insufferable. It's called sarcasm. That's his schtick. And the fact that Jezzie writers insist on interpreting his comedy without acknowledging the sardonicism makes them all look dim-witted and awful.


Tosh did this first. I'm surprised Jezebel didn't mention it.

Gross as I find him, it's not that hard to believe he has a big cock. I mean, he could have one (ew). Of the dudes I've banged, the one with the biggest cock (like, really big—long and as big around as a Coke can) (yes, I got a UTI so bad that I just about got PTSD) (no, it was not worth it seeing as how it was a

My god Lindy, you really have to reach for new things to feel indignant about every day, don't you. Here's a wake up call: it's not just about women. Guys feel insecure about their bodies too. But it's not as fashionable to complain about. Life is tough. I don't get to choose what criteria people judge me on either.