Mr. superhero here is gonna save the planet. Get out of here you commie loser.
Mr. superhero here is gonna save the planet. Get out of here you commie loser.
This sounds like the Destiny game I need right now :)
Toyota Camry. Boom!! Next.
Ohh ive got an idea, she's a woman so maybe she should shut up about men since she doesn't have a clue what its actually like.
This soooo much. The chase scene near the beginning of Jason Bourne wherein Bourne is on a motorcycle fleeing through crowded streets being chased by the villain in VW Golf. Not only can Jason not elude the pursuer, camera “footage” being live streamed back to HQ from a camera mounted on the car shows it driving…
Shut up idiot. He just explained how they are entirely distinct.
Yeah any real quality with the story died before the game came out. The ideas were buried for good when Destiny 2 came out.
ha ha ha haaaaa thats funny. If I wasn't necessary I could spend all day long doing whatever I liked. Just think of all the video game time I would have.
I’ll raise a glass to your failure lol.
Aha ok that makes sense.
Huh? I’m genuinely confused, did you reply to the right person? I’ve been very polite in explaining my viewpoint and trying to understanding others view points all without any trace of being edgy. Also I love Destiny, not a fan of the second one though. Did you like it?
To speak to your point about context I think the very fact that it’s an rpg style game set in a post apocalyptic wasteland implies that the stage is set for not only horrific creatures but horrific people to be out roaming around wreaking havoc. That doesn’t mean I would or should enjoy such a context but I think that…
No, I think I may have worded it poorly. I’ll use fallout 76 as an example (I don’t know much about it so I might take liberties with gameplay that you’ll have to forgive). So I’m the example if I am running around in the game and I see a player and I decide to kill him, just straight up murder him for no more reason…
Having an irrational reason you kill someone in a video game is no different than killing someone for no reason in a video game. Either way its acting out murder in a video game. This is just a bunch of people getting offended because of who it was directed at, not because the action itself was horrifying. People…
I love this thing and want one soooo bad. I don't even care that im immediately going to get rear ended because of the blindspot lol.
So a non-paying non-student was living in the dorms for free and acting like its here house and was told she needed to stop. I don't see a problem here.
Its probably because most law enforcement are members of a union. Because the law demands innocent until proven guilty it is probably standard procedure to wait until the verdict comes down from the court. Otherwise they could be liable to a lawsuit especially if he is acquitted.