Maxima Speed

What thats terrifying on multiple levels.

That is so cool and so ugly but hypothetically it could make sense I suppose.

Yeah, I struggled to see how the writer struggled to see the obvious. XD

Objection! Withdraw your effrontery immediately or I will demand satisfaction!

Everyone is mad because they are jealous and because the rich people haven't embraced communism.

I guarantee if they made Moana or Aladdin be white people in the live action version y’all would be losing your minds so how bout you shut up, retards.

Upvoted for non-partisan post. Simple, to the point, with facts. I like it :)

Should have been “Call of Honor, Duty of Combat: Warfighter (Infinite Black Op’s Edition)

I completely agree. Good to see a FP comment with their head screwed on straight.

I live in Ohio.. My mom has been pulled over twice for no front plate, never ticketed. My dad has been pulled over once for it, and not ticketed. People who haven't experienced it really don’t get how aggressively the Highway Patrol hunt for infractions.

Right here. I still think its gonna be a Cadillac, because why? Because screw logic!! I fly in the face of facts and laugh at reason!

In general I guess I’m more pro-Israel than not, and I am anti Palestine. However, I admire her willingness to stand up for her beliefs and even go to prison for it. Mandatory military service is WRONG. Its enslavement to the government.

Good. Its time for the mass murder to stop. You people talk about wanting gun control to save lives and at the same time are promoting mass murder on a scale that makes Stalin and Hitler look like amateurs.

Ummm space is HUGE, like REALLY, REALLy, BIG. The amount of material required to clog LEO with enough trash to make it dangerous is incredibly massive. Secondly, all orbits degrade over time, especially in LEO. This is due to the fact that that even in space there are trace amounts of drag. The ISS has to use

I don’t play scary games but believe me. The first time I walked around a corner and ran face to face into a S’pht Compiler and took a plasma blast to the face in Marathon I about jumped out of my skin. Those things are scary, especially when cloaked.

Why expose yourself to that? Why bring that into the equation?

Ohhh burrrrn!!!!!!

Ha ha haa. This game is gonna suck so much. If they are so out of touch that they didn't have a social space in an open world multiplayer game thats a major red flag.

Awesome. Great to know :)

I really want a Mazda 3 but having to buy a premium model just to get a manual is infuriating. especially when Canada is getting a stripped down model with manual and limited creature comforts. My actual question is how much of the radio and other functionality has to be controlled with a touch screen. The main thing