Maxima Speed

I would tell him to grew a spine tell the family act like decent human beings and stop disrespecting someone's car or buy a new car and deduct the payments directly from the allowances, shopping money, internet, Netflix, and Xbox live budget. They'll change their mind right quick.

Believe me, the time will come when real Americans will stand up and do something. Its not cowardice, its biding their time and waiting for the opportunity. But you won’t like what comes after.


That’s unfortunate. I feel like the FIA gets bored easily and changes things just to make sure people know they are there. Whether it makes sense or not.

I learned that using Prospecting and collection limpet controllers allows for greater yield also.

Its a Type-9 Heavy. When I’ve done mining in my Type 6 I used collection limpets. Im going to be buying a type-7 again though for mining purposes.


Meanwhile in Elite Dangerous.

*Notices Make and Model........

Yeah, basically gam devs have decided hat pushing their liberal agenda is more important than selling games to he people who play them. I’m cool with that, it’s their loss and smart people just go find another game to play I guess.

It was the side of Freedom 😉

Ok, there I have to disagree with you. Reach as IMO the best story I’ve ever played.

Dude, I would buy D2 again (I traded it in) if I could play as the avenging chicken 😛

I love Porsche’s but I wouldn’t even touch a fist gen Baxter for more than $3,000. From what I hear the maintainance is an absolute nightmare. There are other cars that can fill that role for me. Crack Pipe.

Interesting, sooooo why not hire based on skill? Forced diversity, Yay!!

Or, ya know, people could just deal with it.

This is really sad, but I saw this coming unfortunately. I knew the big three wouldn’t tolerate competition of this kind and the lobbyist would do whatever they could to stop this company from succeeding.

I do 🙂

I’ll give you that. Truth is, it’s probably the only Pontiac I would ever consider buying.

Get ye gone from my presence! Evil one.