Maxima Speed

But we’re talking about used cars aren’t we? That’s the only fair comparison. If I buy a used car from a dealer there is always going to be mark up, that’s how they survive, completely understandable. However, if I buy direct from the owner I can almost without fail get a better price. Sure I don’t have a 30 day

I live 32 miles from work and college, with the option for some top notch driving roads. For me a good commute is one that I do remember because it leaves a smile on my face.

Just have to keep waging that feminist war, don’t you. How about you get hired by Jezebel, and leave Jalopnik?

I was ready to say NP but he mods are what did it in. Crack Pipe.

I feel I was going no to buy a Ford it would be the Flex, love that thing.

I once drove my 97 Maxima up a 4-Wheeler /keep trail . I scraped bottom a couple times but mist skirted the big stuff. Got some weird looks from the dudes in the jacked up Chevy going the other way.

the top half of the posted comments are fine, the bottom Half on the other hand, they’re just ignorant and stupid. What irritates me though, is that no one wants to take responsibility for their own actions. Why is it that Alanis and those who side with her are ALWAYS blaming men. If women want to be in motorsports

Alanis and supporters logic, “Because she disagrees with me, I must denigrate her and call her supporters misogynists”.

Yes, lets all use our collective armchair wisdom, to tell a PROFESSIONAL race car driver that she is completely misguided and brain washed by men, when she is talking about something she is intimately familiar with since, you know, she drives race cars for a living.

I’m fond of my theory, I did a write up on it for my college class. I’ll have to see if I still have it.

I hate everything this stands for. FWD crossover, that’s ridiculously small, CVT only, and near Prius levels of ugly.

The people who sentenced him should be dragged into the street and beat. Im so sick and tired of these environmentalist scumbags trying to oppress us with ridiculously insane laws.

Because of course, we wouldn’t want take responsibility for our own actions. Always someone else fault right?

David Tracy seems to think otherwise. I should have known it. I mean, he was directing me to send the money to a bank in Eastern Ukraine, claimed that was where Jalopnik HQ was. He always seemed to have good intentions though 😛

Apparently my nomination for $kaycog to win was rejected? What exactly is my lobbying money buying me? When I buy an editor I expect results :P

Not cars but, my dad rides a KLR 650 and that community is great. He was out for a ride and got flagged down by another KLR rider who had driven half and hour to finding them because his wife had seen my dad riding on a certain road and mentioned it when she got home. The KLR rider apparently knew the area and took a

The real answer here is Chrysler first gen cylinder deactivation 😛

Brotherly love

Where do you live? I wouldn’t dream of attempting that?

If I didn’t have anywhere to be I would just show them how to properly apply it.