Maxima Speed

Murica is the center of the universe! The earth revolves not around the north/south poles! It rotates around Washington DC, its rotation powered by bald eagles, astride Dodge Cummins spewing forth red white and blue exhaust, as they shift the earth by the sheer force of acceleration!

They do realize that the allure of the manual is not the act of selecting a gear? It’s the connection with the car, the mechanical feeling of being connected to the gear box, the clutch. And for a sports car the feeling of being connected to the suspension, the brakes, steering, and throttle, along with the above

Actually I have heard of it, but only because I had a short phase of weird fascination with South American car manufacturers.

If there are that many tight corners you must be in motorcycle paradise. Or you’re in a crowded city.

Hopefully you’re not actually that depraved. Yep, gotta kill people because they made an inappropriate joke/stunt. That’s kinda disturbing.

In other news today, Ford Motor Company develops the Airbag! Crazy new developments, wow!

This, so much. The destiny player base has a different mindset I guess. I have never played the souls series but my buddy does. He has zero tolerance for people who say destiny is too hard. For me that’s what makes it fun. The whole point of a game is to challenge you. When you finally beat it you feel like you

Another reason to never clean the car. A sufficiently filthy rear number should ensure that nothing sticks.

Wow, how about going and reading books actually written at the time. The revisionist have been on the winning side. The old saying “the winners write the history books”, holds true for this, as the union (after the fact and during) tried to make it some holy crusade against slavery. It was a secession because of

Because it’s a dumb way to say the universe came into existence.

At least he’s an American. That concept could be hard to fathom if you consider yourself a “citizen of the world”. For globalists who have no concept of sovereignty then term nation has no meaning.

Spot on man.

Who cares what an English racing driver thinks about American political issue?

You mean the love interest that isn’t there? Please the dudes are buddies, nothing more.

Unless its a joke I’m too dense to get. How does it not bother you to lump ALL white people together and blame this on every white American alive? Just seems, kinda racist. It sure does have the appearance of stereotyping, the very behavior you claim to abhor. Im not saying you can’t have your opinions, what I am

Yeah, the environmental cost is zero so fuel would be free and we could all have V8's!!!

4th gen for the win!!


And that’s the final straw. So now we are attacking people because they don’t conform to our views, or jump on the bandwagon with the strike. Also uber drivers are the ones who individually decide where and when to pick people up. If you want to strike, so be it good on you for expressing your views. If you don’t join

It’s so tempting. The Chrysler 200 is my all time favorite looking new car (call me crazy). That being said, it’s a Chrysler and that comes with the terrible price of ownership. Here in 10 years,when they’re $500, I might buy one as a piece of art to sit in my garage :)