Porsche, they can do know wrong in my book. Ive had to adjust my views on what i like in order to do this however its worth it to be able to say that im an unconditional Porsche fan :P
where chris goes i go :)
easy, porsche 911 gt3 cabriolet.:P
exactly, your like "did i really just do that? Also new tires and what knowledge i learned at an autocross* helped alot.
ive had to do it. scary, but man does it work.
always liked it always will. of course im kind of biased im of the mind that porsche is infallible. :P
+1. I somehow like it for what it could have been but in its curents state it doesnt have a purpose. Nismo treatment and an RS in the names says performance but nothing to back it up (slower than a Maxima). Now if they stuck the vq35 in there it would be a different story.
200K is nothing ive got a 97 nissan maxima with 304,000 and the only problems ever have been knock sensor(previous owner) . and within the last 10,000 miles sway bar links, tie rod bushings, bearings, and such, oh and an unidentified minor oil leak when running. btw anyone have guesses about that?
no joke, for some reason i literally felt like i was gonna puke when i saw that.
It sounds crazy but i actually prefer fwd because of the challenge of pushing to its limit but not goin over. its really hard to drive a fwd well. ( at least thats my opinion)
My cousin has one, i tease him all the time about how he should have got the v8. Then to make matters worse he put rt stickers on it... ugh! poseur
49 in a 35!? is that it? ive been ticketed for 63 in a 35. (granted it was at 12:00 at night in a non-residential area of a small town). :P
im faster than anything on the road :P ! stock 97 nissan maxima with 304,000 miles the fastest ive ever gone in it was 105 after that i get scared and back off.
ha ha i drive a white 97 nissan maxima and people slow down for me and one even pulled over for me. i have no light bars or stickers of any kind (the headlight pattern is similar in low light to a crown vic). So does that make me impersonating? What is the world coming to.
im curious too, what kind of mods would one one do to a Smart car?
Last year i went to the local Dodge dealership to look around for fun and the dealer convinced me to drive the brand new dodge charger rt around the parking lot. im 20 yrs old No papers signed, no obligations. needless to say i was impressed with the car and the dealership.