I meant it as GG Dean bringing pie for Supernatural Dean
I meant it as GG Dean bringing pie for Supernatural Dean
Supernatural fan here, this is not the Dean we are interested in.
Wrong Dean
I liked that show, too. It was nicely innocent, which sometimes is all I want in a bit of TV (escape! yay!), yet often truly clever, showing that the two can go together. Tia and Tamera did a good job, and Jackée Harry is a veritable force of nature! LOVE her.
I wish she had played a bigger role.
i agree with most of this but def not the paris part? i dont think paris was ever trying to take over the world. she cared more about being queen of her domain, which she is
Can we take a moment to acknowledge how sexy AF the ending scene with Lawrence was? Jesus, that man.
god i love this show so much. the complexity of the characters shines through so well, and you feel like issa is your friend who you love so much but want to fucking smack sometimes. same for molly. ugh. my hearts broken.
You mean Steve Bannon? He was already appointed.
I never would have predicted that I would be praying for Mitt Romney to hold a position of power. Please! He’s an adult who can conduct himself in an appropriate manner! He has some intelligence and occasionally listens to experts! How low the bar has sunk.
At this point, I would take that disgusting pool of vomit your cat barfed up right by your bed that was carefully positioned exactly where you will be placing your bare feet in the middle of the night.
Only democratic votes are fraud silly!
“I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.”
At least, with diarrhea, you usually loose a little weight in the process?