
Sorry, but I don’t find killing terrorists and religious extremists to be horrifying.

We fucking get it, you hate everything to the right of Karl Marx.

“Killing Newt and Hicks was an unforgivable decision that irrevocably tainted the rest of the film”

What’s it like to be a perpetually angry social justice warrior who cannot rest until everyone to the righ of Hegel is dragged through the gutter every day? Seriously, you people do this to someone every goddamn day. Doesn’t it make you feel like shit? Why must you try to destroy your ideological opposites? You people

I like Amy Schumer fine, I thought she was brilliant five years ago, but for a long time now she seems to demand that we find her “gut-bustlingly hilarious” when she’s settled into being profitably mediocre as a comic. That was her choice , not ours, and I’m not signed on to her shitty attitude that we’re somehow the

God dammit. It’s been less than 2 days since the new episode aired. Spoilers in headlines, jerks?

If it were a famously conservative entertainer, they’d be making jokes about machine guns compensating for a small penis, a very short fall from B-level TV to D-level movies, or an (ALLEGED) cocaine habit. There’d be a joke like, “Sure, donating more than the $2700 limit violates campaign laws, but ‘Only God Knows

“Now, we always try to take a balanced approach to both sides of the political divide here at The A.V. Club”

Uh, not my argument and you’re perpetuating the problem by calling all his supporters sexist. Is my grandmother sexist? She voted for him, she’s a retired nurse, helped plenty of women.

If you think the demonization of white men by far left ideologues did not contribute to Trump—and the rise of the Alt Right—than you’re beyond idiocy and firmly ensconced in the ideology that brought us here. Just a stupid plan, fam.

Katie is saltier than the Atlantic ocean. Male bashing and Trump bashing at once!

Latest developments: a second pissy commenter whines about the first pissy commenter whining that a pop culture news site continues to conver events in pop culture.

Anyone who makes fun of a woman’s physical appearance is clearly not a feminist.

The left should focus more on winning elections and achieving policy goals than policing cultural thoughtcrime. I can’t believe Chance walked a totally reasonable statement like that back.

Angry mob mentality is no longer the exception, its the rule.

I’m not a fan of “hop-forward” beers, but to each their own. My issue is that the popularity of IPAs has craft brewers messing with other formulas. I’ve had several experiences now where I’ve ordered something non-IPA and found it to be heavily hopped. I specifically ordered the one craft brew on the list that wasn’t

The general vibe of the chat is that both sides are at fault for making politics so mean and bitter these days, which is unfair and disingenuous, but whatever.

If only Kanye agreed with you, then he’d be a thinker, right?

I wish there were a more diplomatic way to say this, but here goes:

Why y’all so afraid of a black man who thinks for himself?

To me it sounds more like a poor decision made by a single manager, as opposed to an example of systemic racial bias at a national chain. People who are traditionally liberal might cheer this kind of thing happening at certain chains. But Starbucks is already a very progressive company in the first place, and this is