More absolutist, boorish bullshit from you.
More absolutist, boorish bullshit from you.
I wish I knew how to be so right about everything all the time, like you apparently do. It must be so boorish to have a conversation with you.
See what happens when you try to apply reason, and take an analysis-driven approach to our current political landscape on this site? The commenters insist that you must be stupid, and that you’re clearly wrong, because only their version is the truth. It’s all knee-jerk emotional outrage, all the time. And if you…
If you enjoy ASOIAF as a series, you might really enjoy the “Tumanbay” podcast. It’s Game of Thrones-esque but set in an ambiguously pre-colonial era middle eastern society. The acting and sound are all excellent. The story is engaging, too.
Exactly. She was awarded legal fees, meaning essentially that her attorney gets a court-ordered payment of $20,000 towards his billable time for representing her. It may sound like a lot of money, but in the grand scheme of things, $20k in legal fees is a pittance if you’ve hired a lawyer who works in a…
You sound like such a whiny baby, Katie.
To me it sounds more like a poor decision made by a single manager, as opposed to an example of systemic racial bias at a national chain. People who are traditionally liberal might cheer this kind of thing happening at certain chains. But Starbucks is already a very progressive company in the first place, and this is…
I can’t wait to see everyone drool all over Kamala Harris when she runs for President having served less than a full term as a US Senator.
Pompous attitudes like that and blanket statements about entire swaths of Americans are the reason our political system is in the toilet. You’re part of the problem.
I’d never seen her on screen before Legion, and my wife and I both thought her performance was the best part of that show. I’m very confused why you thought she was terrible. We were impressed with her.
Lana Del Ray is also a very manufactured major label “indie” act. Does she even write her own songs? If she was remotely tuned in to the music scene she’s pretending to be a part of, she would have heard this chord progression and said “wait, this is Creep by Radiohead. I’ve heard that song a million times. We have to…
I cannot stand Tune-Yards. I like a fair amount of off-beat music but every time I hear Tune-Yards I can’t turn it off fast enough. I don’t understand the appeal. New Interpol and Wye Oak and Chromatics is exciting.
If a woman says “no” regardless of how she says it, then consent is not given. But it must be communicated, because if a man acts despite knowing she does not want to engage in such activity. If she is unconscious, then consent cannot be given in the first place. But in the former scenario she does have an obligation…
If a Republican was accused of doing something similar by an individual who was a registered Democrat and voted for Hillary Clinton, AND someone brought that up in an effort to discredit the victim, you’d be highly offended.
If it’s a false statement that’s communicated and in her case as a public figure, with malice, then it’s libel as soon as they write it down and publish it. You don’t have to wait for it to be proven false if it’s false to begin with. This issue is a little murky however, because it’s not like the blogger said “Swift…
My wife and I were having a hard time enjoying Jeopardy while he was on the show. There were a few times where he would tell a story that made me like him a little bit, and then he would do or say something that was just completely cocky and/or rude. I fully respect his knowledge and his ability to “game” the game of…