It’s a matter of taste. Seltzer water is a favorite in our household... even the kids love it. Regular soda is too sugary / syrupy for us.
It’s a matter of taste. Seltzer water is a favorite in our household... even the kids love it. Regular soda is too sugary / syrupy for us.
What the hell has happened to Gizmodo? This isn’t news, it isn’t even accurate. The last five or six things I’ve read from Giz have been absolutely awful. Did all the real journalists get fired and we’re now left with 12 year old social media junkies trying to keep it alive?
William, I want you to know your article has forced me to comment, and I never comment because everyone has their opinions and it’s usually pointless to comment.
How is this an article? Jesus christ, this article is a long bitchy tweet about carbonated water. No one gives cares if anyone else likes fizzy water or not. Run out of stuff to write about much? La Croix is a much better alternative to soda or any other sports drink out there. Makin overarching comments like…
LOL, is this bottom of the barrel week? You can not like whatever you choose, but to have the temerity to suggest that you are better equipped to decide what other people actually like or dislike is asinine. I love seltzer water, I had another after reading this just to make sure, still love it...
This is one of the worst articles I have EVER read. I feel I might have actually become stupider after reading it. Seltzer water is delicious. Not good, not ok, not suitable to quench thirst on a hot summers day, but god damn delicious. In fact, not only is it deliscious, but it’s healthy too and that is what makes is…
This takes the cake for worst article I've read on io9. I like seltzer, but besides that this article is either an exercise in whining or troll job. Pretty disappointing.
I’m going to write a post about how baseball is actually a boring sport followed by a post about how SNL isn’t as funny as it used to be.
Ley me guess. You’re a super taster? Everyone I know who has gone out of their way to talk about how much they hate seltzer water has been a super taster. I’m guessing that you also dislike kale, IPAs, and black coffee.
If you think selzer water is bitter, you might be one of the roughly 10% of the population who can’t distinguish bitter from sour (carbonic acid is responsible for the gas bubbles and the sour flavour). It would be interesting to find out if this is more common among people who hate selzer water in general.
Counterpoint :
No matter what your take was- I am now thirsty for some ice cold seltzy. Thanks a lot Turtnugget.
Everyone who drinks seltzer water knows it is bad, but drinks it anyway, for one reason or another. Think about it.
Seriously... This is what you have to write about? It is healthier than drinking regular sodas (coke, sprite, mountain dew and the other thousand types). With diabetes being a epidemic here in the US, it’s a good alternative for people who enjoy a carbonated drink.
almost as bad as an article that doesn’t understand taste, subjectivity, and non-binary thought
thanks, dad
see you in church on sunday
I drink it because I love carbonation, and I don’t want to subject my body to the sugars or fake sugars that come with soda.
Is it as flavorful and exciting as drinking a soda? No
This is the saddest excuse for an article to ever grace the pages of this site, my guess is, you really had nothing to write about and came up with this webfart... If they paid you for this, then your employers should be embarassed, And your editor is obviously not doing their job very well either as this piece makes…
You dont care to get it. Carbonated water is soda without the 17 teaspoons of sugar. What you call a “weak taste” is just your prole body throwing a temper tantrum.
take your negativity to a frickin facebook post that no one likes, the peeps who like Gizmodo don’t want you
Maybe try sparkling water with some elder flower syrup. This piece is taking up valuable space on the Internet.