Max Contrarian

The fringes are always filled with morons. Why do you think Libertarians and Socialists are so mocked? Because those ideas are stupid and impossible to implement without resulting in tyranny or anarchy. There’s going to be no civil war. This is one of (not the, but one of) the safest, richest, most beautiful,

Yep.  Exactly.  

If you are so worried, perhaps you should buy a firearm and learn to use it.

He used an AARP-15.

Sexual harassment training doesn’t count.

I can’t wait to read Jacobin’s hit piece on how Hamilton is a bootlicker for buying Fage instead of bartering personal training lessons for homemade yogurt at a local co-op now.

BuT I thOuGHt ShE wAS aN eViL CapITaLIst aNd coRPorATe sHIlL.

Let’s get the obvious out of the way: He’s not going to be impeached. McConnell and the Senate simply won’t let it happen.

Multiple leading voices in the Democratic Party are calling for the disbandment of ICE and open border policies. The fact that no one other than AOC says the quiet part out loud doesn’t change the fact. It’s like Beto and the gun buyback. No Democrat wanted to take your guns until they all did! Whoops. There is no

They showed up. Doesn’t mean they were an existential threat to American citizens, but the caravans cannot be denied.

With a wealth tax rate of 90% above a billion dollars there is basically 0 incentive for ever being worth more than a billion dollars.

His blood isn’t being evenly distributed throughout his body. Hypocrite.

Eh ...

Why would you have to explain progressive taxation? If you set you tax rates like that, even under a progressive tax scheme, there is no incentive for earnings, because you are going to lose so much of it above that limit.


Black Hole 2020

While this ham-fisted influence grift attempt by his brother was in poor taste, we can be absolutely certain that his son’s $80k a month no-show job in a country he’s never been and in a field he’s never worked in is absolutely above board!

You too feared that Paul Blest would write a lazy and poorly reasoned article bashing a process that hasn’t yet begun?  Ya, I hear ya...

I think this is defensible strategy. The public is stupid. Call me condescending all you want, but I read the polling data. I know precisely how vapid the American public can be, and just how irrational and ignorant their engagement with politics can be. People have short attention spans, are easily misled, push