Max Contrarian

For what it’s worth you’re absolutely correct - rent control makes housing more expensive. It has been proven time and time again. This is the rare branch of economics where people actually agree with each other.

Mine was about how hard it was to find a rental in Stockholm Sweden. Meanwhile NY doesn’t have that kind of system which the ignoramus seems uninterested in understanding and even with rent stabilization the apartments are still fucking expensive in this city. So the landlords have been able to make plenty of profits

YES!  Supply and demand and free market.  I’m a landlord, not all of us are shit.  

“Democratic socialism” as proffered by folks like Bernie is literally just plain old social democratic welfare state capitalism. It’s bizarre to see this shit get turned on its head over and over again when these terms have had well-recognized, accepted meanings for over 100 years. 

Wait for your 25th reunion to find out that one of those guys now works in private equity. 

I went to college, so I know FOR A FACT that socialism is two dipshits in their early 20's at a party arguing about whether or not it’s better praxis to identify as a Maoist or a Marxist-Leninist, while definitely agreeing that Sage Francis is a top 5 rapper (maybe all time) and that they would both have girlfriends

Two things: 1) These are compelling reasons to stop fucking worrying about what the right calls socialism or who they label socialist because they will do it to anyone on the left with reckless abandon. So just consider yourselves labeled socialist already and do what’s right for the country.

I would argue that dragging a thought into the public consciousness and actually accomplishing the task/thought are not the same thing.

i think you might have missed the point here, dude. 

That’s a bad take.  No one is suggesting taking down the Empire State building.  What I’m talking about is rich brownstone owners having their neighborhoods declared “historic” so no one can build an apartment building there. 

Don’t do this.

New York needs more housing.  Some of the real obstacles here are zoning, historic districts, and nimbyism.  Nimbyism, of course, makes both zoning and historic building regulations worse.  Rent protections are fine, but they are not going to solve the huge demand for housing in New York.  

They killed that dude in a clear-cut case of self defense. If they told the truth not a DA in world would file charges.

fuck off

The absolutist take of both pro-choice and pro-life ask people to accept some pretty miserable things, if you apply the beliefs consistently.

That is not what F/F means at first glance to me. XD

I honestly dont know why anyone is shocked here. If they make this illegal, and the woman has an abortion - she committed a crime, which generally comes with a punishment. This dude shouldn’t be backing off his comment, as it makes no sense to back off it..

Bow tie = shitbag