Who the f would want to live in China?
Who the f would want to live in China?
Europe has social democratic capitalism. They have a higher standard of living than anywhere else on the planet and there are still plenty of rich people.
Shapiro is a lot of things but he isn’t condescending. He’s wrong but always willing to listen to the other side. That’s what makes him redeemable, unlike many of the others [Pewdiepie etc].
Socialism isn’t defined as “the government doing stuff instead of private companies”. It’s an economic system where the means of production are owned by the workers. Everything else socialism asks for derives from that- if the workers own the means of production, that means a capitalist can’t exploit them in any…
The left needs to stop the narrative (pushed by the right as a fear tactic) that socialist (or progressive) policies equals a socialist society. It’s quite possible to have socialist programs (like the New Deal) in a capitalist society. In fact, since most right wingers are Christian, maybe sell it as a Christian…
Yeah- or talking to a cam girl or something. He very well could have messaged the wrong person (especially if he was drunk) but it was highly unprofessional. It’s exactly why Twitter DMs are not a professional way to contribute. If you’d be switching between this and horny stuff late at night it’s not a safe way to…
I could kinda believe him when he says it wasn’t intended for her. The forty-minute gap followed by the non-sequitur nature of the sentence... I think he’s a woman-harasser who meant to harass a different woman at 3:55 am than the woman he was harassing at 3:13 am.
I’m getting drunk tonight!
Survival Tip:
Uh huh. Neat qualifiers you got there, kiddo. Keep it coming.
He looks like James Earl Jones ate Lewis Black.
I get your schtick and all but you can’t possibly be this fucking stupid.
Ok? A patent is a government enforced monopoly? If I can’t get a patent on the medicine I create, why would I ever make medicine in the first place? How does your version of a free market allow for healthcare innovation if companies can’t even own their innovations?
1.) So glad we agree on something. Seriously, not being an asshole here. At least we agree our current system is fucked
Why not try Tarot cards?
Yes, Russian troll fights for markets.
Counterpoint: putting Jared Kushner, an unqualified nepotism hire with no experience in these matters, in charge of hard problems to solve for everyone in history is a bad choice deserving of all vitriolic responses.