Max Contrarian

It’s rare that I feel this sentiment about internet comments but:

Claps should be between each word.


Scroll up dude.

Insults and suicide encouragement? She’s got a plan for that.

Sort of.


How about we scrutinize more carefully those individuals that are stockpiling arsenals.

Do you have any evidence of war profiteers trying to prolong conflicts and get people killed so they can make a buck?

Syrian Opposition - Should we have partially committed to, and therefore prolonged, a losing rebellion against Assad? They certainly wanted the help.

You think we make money off these quagmires???

America’s period of exciting foreign wars really kicked off at the turn of the 20th century.

I didn’t realize Cuba was an ally. In fact, I could’ve sworn, oh I don’t know, we were kinda sworn enemies.

In the days before Israel’s founding, the proto-Israelis were Jews. Not that I mentioned that.

This is very much not true. Most of our international adventures have been at the request of allies:

Nothing in common with a historically oppressed group and ally trying to get their own country?

You are repeating common unfounded fears. Trump isn’t some despot. He’s a cartoon billionaire who speaks incredibly carelessly, and there is no chance in hell the country is going to destroy itself to either protect or depose him.

I definitely remember watching that Rambo ending.

There are Israel comparisons to be made.

Do you remember what the world looked like before the US became the world police?