Max Contrarian

Government services are not socialism.

Robots are taking the McDonalds jobs.

Where has socialism, read as the nationalization or forced collectivization of the means of production, ever “worked?”

Which version of M4A?

The value of having your precious views that can’t exist in reality questioned by an outsider?

“I shook Robert Kennedy’s hand in 1968. He was shot a month later.”

It was an example of a culture that was super cool with widespread homicide, and then it happened. The culture has since changed.

Perfect illustration of the problem!

I’d hug you if I had feelings.

What do you think “real” socialism is?

Nobody knows what socialism is anymore, least of all its proponents.

The Japanese culturally viewed outsiders as subhuman monsters or gaijin, and therefore practiced wholesale horrific slaughter for funsies in hilarious decapitation contests. Their bushido culture helped drive their broadly suicidal behavior, which we’ve been through before.

We disagree that guns are the silver bullet.

Believing that homicides won’t fall along with firearms use when a large majority of homicides are committed in this country with firearms is a good bit.

An irrelevant hypothetical, owing to nobody suggesting a mental health check for ownership of said items. Less sophistry, more substance please. Stick to guns.

And you will of course be free to make the choice between your mental health and your firearms. This is America after all, not China.

Guys. I’m right here.

Billy is immune from all humor.

Yes, and I’m not in favor of allowing those for civilian use just because the Czechs do.

Specifically which parts?