
In past seasons, Dexter might have done some old fashioned detective/stalker work. Lately the writers just use the 'Miami Metro Internetz' as the lazy way to move the story along.

Less Margaret on the show the better. I tuned out during most of her scenes, unless it was a conversation with Nucky.

I could get passed that ridiculous mock cat ownership trial, but Mikado being Litt's Kryptonite was just dumb and unbelievable given the character they've established.

I just wish they'd break up forever already. Their non-work relationship is tiresome.

I still don't like her chicken legs.

Imagine if they'd kept Issac Sirko alive for season 8 instead of Hannah the World's Dumbest Fugitive.

Quinn and Nadia was a more interesting and believable relationship than what they are trying to force from Dexter and Hannah Banana.

It would have been nice to spend the final season watching someone finally hot on the trail of uncovering Dexter. Doakes tried, and failed. Liddy tried, and failed. Lem had potential to succeed while tracking the horrible Hannah McKay character. Forget all that "Brain Surgeon" killer-of-the-week crap. A missed

You're totally right about Lem just finding Deb on the beach. He didn't even check the house at all. That is one dumb script.

The writers forgot Dexter carries a lock-picking kit.

More like 'dinner for who?'


Nah, he's just doing his best with awful material. I mean just look at the other actors struggling with their shitty lines.

Was there enough space on the walls of that room for photos of all Dexter's viewers? On the table, the scripts of season 8.

His spy equipment is straight out of an old Young Indiana Jones episode.

It would go nicely with her 'I'M WITH DEXTER' T-shirt.

I think Quinn is a vampire. He sits at tables with empty plates. Jamie's food will rot on the stove top.

I think her work in the lab will suffer from breakfast pot use. She'll go back to working in the topless bar. Masuka disapproves and wants to help his daughter get drug counseling. There's still more story to mine from her character, be fair…

Out of sight, out of Dexter writers' minds.