
So basically the auteur theory section of a philosophy of film class...

I think basically because Corvettes are used for coastal defence the armed USCG Cutters serve the same purpose.

I didn’t realise we still have submarine tenders... Without needing them to refuel diesel subs I wonder what they are used for. Are they basically a sub exclusive torpedo/harpoon/cruise missile ammunition ship?

Minor update here... There is a new Oceanographic Survey vessel that was christened last year, the R/V Sally Ride.

Lets us all bask in the glory of an actual astronaut wearing a DS9 era starfleet commanders uniform on an actual real life space station. Let’s hope that new coffee machine has a raktajino setting.

Yes, pretty much the only reason I use a Mac nowadays is the operating system. It’s safe to say if they spun OSX off as an independent product that could run on any x86 system, just like Linux I would immediately jump ship to someone elses hardware.

Exactly! I think my favorite Chris Harris video so far was the video about his crappy old 2CV...

Now playing

More info on the satellite along with contemporary media about the event can be found here.

You kinda have to sympathise with the 1950s and 1960s era US Navy though. At the time the DOD only wanted to pay for 2 types of systems, systems that are or can carry nuclear weapons and systems that can detect and or destroy Russian nuclear bombers. Unfortunately before the advent of miniaturized boosted

You could bike to work and get there in an hour if you pedaled slowly...

Mazda RX-8 drifting while flames shoot out of its door handles

I liked how they framed Jay’s red DS in the background when Peter says that the Talbot-Lago Type 150 is the most beautiful french car ever made. While watching the video I blurted out “Oh, poor DS. You’re still the most beautiful car to me.”

Reading The Handmaid’s Tale scared the crap out of me much more than 1984 or Brave New World. I guess thats because each book basically takes the biggest threat to society and follows it to it’s most horrific conclusion. So with Brave New World it was eugenics, 1930s fascism, and the rise of radio. With 1984 it was

Yeah, the only problem I have with the Elantra GT is the torsion beam rear suspension, but if Ford got torsion beam to work on the FiST maybe manufactures have found ways to mitigate the the negative impacts of that non-independent suspension type.

On Chrome the embedded poll won’t let me scroll down to the “Still don’t care” button, so like a True American Patriot™ I clicked the “Now I care” button because I could not be bothered to find a way to vote otherwise. So I guess I care about the Malibu now and... uh... George W. Bush is president...

Could be, it’s technically in the class above the Fit, subcompact vs compact. They may price it like a subcompact, but then at least here in the US people who what the cheapest set of wheels tend to go with sedans for some reason. Overall I think the core problem they have is that they are directly bringing over a

The Mirage is a subcompact car... So different market and different expectations...

Yup, that’s the power of brand perception. Unfortunately Toyota and Honda could replace the Colloral and Civic with a 2000 pound cube of radioactive concrete and it’ll still sell better than the whole Mazda line combined.

I completely agree that 137hp is fine for a compact economy car, europeans do far more with less horsepower. I also think the hatchback horsepower war currently going on in the US is quite absurd with cars making 150hp being called slow and 170hp cars called adequate. I am just trying to look at the iM from a

That’s because Toyota was so lazy that they didn’t even attempt to hide the distinct Mazda styling cues that connect this rebadged Mazda2 to the rest of the Mazda range.